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What is the Strikethrough Keyboard Shortcut in Microsoft Word

Strikethrough is a feature in Word that is used to show that text has been deleted. It is a single horizontal line drawn across a sentence or word.

Strikethrough can be used when editing work as a team to show that a particular section should be edited out from the text.

The standard way to use the strikethrough feature is to select the text you want to strikethrough and then select the strikethrough feature on the home tab.

However, Word also has shortcuts that you can use to achieve the same thing.

  1. Select the text you want to strikethrough
  1. Press CTRL + D.

When you do this, a font dialog box appears.

  1. Press Alt + K.

This selects the strikethrough feature.

  1. Press OK

The text you selected will have a horizontal line drawn through it.

Are you putting together an article or script and need a few pointers from your mentor?

There is no need to meet them physically if you are unable to. Or have to keep sending edited versions back and forth until you have one perfect script.

Simul Docs makes working together so much easier.

All you have to do is download Simul Docs and upload your first draft there.

Simul Docs automatically makes this your first version. Now, someone else can sign in and make their edits. Simul creates another version, different from the first, and saves it separately.

If another person were to make new edits to this document, another version, different from the first and second, is created.

Every time another person opens a version and makes edits, a new version is created with the latest changes.

Assuming you are in a rush and forget to turn on track changes so Simul Docs can automatically record your changes? There is no need to worry. With Simul Docs, all your changes are documented regardless of your online or offline status.

Since it is a collaboration, a bonus feature is the ability to add comments to the document. If you want a colleague to review the changes by a specific time, or any other instructions, you can let them know in the comment section.

Additionally, you can suggest changes, and your colleagues can either reject or accept them when reviewing the document.

Furthermore, with Simul Docs, every version of your document is stored. Do not think that as more versions are created, older ones are deleted. Every paper is saved from the first to the last so that if you want to go back and review them, you have that option.

Do you ever have to work on a written project but have to wait until another person has made their submission? This is not a problem with Simul Docs. All your colleagues can work on a project at once. This avoids missing deadlines because maybe one person did their part too slowly, yet everyone else was on schedule. Or maybe when you were free, it was someone else working on it, and now that you are busy, this work demands your attention. These are all problems of the past.

Suppose another co-worker is supposed to include their input, but they do not have Simul Docs. All you have to do is download the document or forward it by email. Alternatively, you can upload it to any storage software like one drive, and once their changes have been made, they can forward it to you once again, and you can open it in Simul Docs.

Once all the necessary edits have been made, you can save the final version containing all the modifications with one click.

Simul is the most convenient collaborative tool yet. Centralising your written project avoids mishaps like losing your work or losing its original format.

Perks to using Simul Docs:

  • You do not have to be in the exact physical location of the person you are collaborating on a document with.
  • You can work on the same document at the same time.
  • There is no need for physical meetings, video, or conference calls to discuss changes that need to be made to the document.
  • Simul Docs saves every single version of the document.
  • There is no need for back-and-forth emailing
  • Simul prevents loss of work
  • Simul Docs retains the original format of the document.

As you can see, Simul Docs is a game-changer in viewing, writing, and editing documents.

Visit and simplify group edits today.

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