Easily collaborate on Microsoft Word documents

Simul's powerful co-authoring, version control, comparison and merging features make it easy to collaborate on Microsoft Word documents with others

Version Control Microsoft Word Hero

Used in thousands of organisations worldwide

Microsoft's Version Control Tool
Hard University Version Control Word
Philips Collaboration tool Word
Fedex collaboration microsoft word
Samsung logo

Upload documents from anywhere

Drag and drop Word documents from your computer, or import them from cloud file services like Dropbox, Box, OneDrive, SharePoint & Google Drive.

upload documents git for word

Simultaneously edit your documents

Invite people to collaborate on your documents and in 1 click they can open the latest version in Word or Word Online and make edits. Once they're done, they simply click Save and a new version is automatically created.

collaborate word documents open latest version

Open the latest version in 1 click

Any collaborator can access the latest version in 1 click. No more emailing docs or trying to figure out if Ninja Report - Final_FINAL' is the latest version or not.

collaborate word documents edit in word

Make edits in Word or Word Online

Simul integrates directly with Word and Word Online, so you can make edits to a document in your preferred environment.

collaborate word documents version control

Automatically create a new version

When you click 'Save' in Word or Word Online, a new version is automatically created in Simul and instantly available to all collaborators to continue working on.

see changes word document

See exactly what changed between versions

Simul makes it easy to see what changed between each version, regardless of whether tracked changes were turned on or not.

Get a full history of the document in one place

See every version of a document - including what changed, who changed it and when - in a simple interface.

see history of changes word document

Easily access content from previous versions

Easily revert to a previous version of the document, or take content from a previous version to add to the latest. With Simul, you'll never lose content from a document again.

revert word document

Get approval, publish as PDF and more

When you're finished collaborating on your document, you can use Simul's approval workflow to get sign off from everybody and then export your document as a PDF or DOCX to your computer or cloud storage service.

collaborate word docs export

Benefits of using Simul

access latest version word document

Easily access the latest version

All collaborators can easily find and open the latest version of the document in 1 click.

edit word documents simultaneously

Work on documents simultaneously

Multiple people can work on a document at the same time & Simul will automatically create separate ‘branches’ for each version so people aren’t overwriting each others work.

Compare microsoft word documents

Easily see what changed

Easily compare different versions of a document - regardless of whether tracked changes were turned on or not - so you always know what changed, who changed it, and when.

merge documents

Merge changes in 1 click

Merge versions in 1 click, and each authors changes are marked up as tracked changes in Word, allowing you to easily identify the differences.

see history of changes word document

See the full history of changes

Easily go back over a document and see what changed, when it changed and who changed it.

revert to previous

Easily revert to old versions

Easily revert to a previous version of the document, or take content from a previous version to add to the latest.


“Simul allows anyone on our team to access the latest version of a document instantly. It automatically creates versions, allows us to compare them to see what changed, and gives us a full version history of the document. It’s made writing research reports so much easier.”

Nikolas UCLA Version Control Word

Nikolas Balanis - Cancer Researcher

Get Started For Free

See how Simul can help you with a 14 day free trial, and paid plans start at just $15 per month.